Friday, January 29, 2010

The reason I haven't called you...


Today was a good day. My spirit is still riding high from the boost commissary gave me on Friday. I got a bunch of posts ready and shipped out for the next few days. I tried to call my oldest brother only to be disconnected right after he accepted my call, therefore barring me from calling again for thirty minutes. I was bummed, but hopefully he understands that HIS CELL SERVICE IS TO BLAME!

Anyway, I am still anxiously awaiting for this damn councilor to return, as she has been gone since last Thursday. She can give me some sort of indication as to how long I might be waiting to transfer to camp. When I finally transfer, I will post my mailing address here for all to acquire. FYI, the comment box has been enabled so feel free to leave some. They will be compiled and sent to me regularly and I can address them either here in this forum, or alternatively via email direct to the appropriate author.

Another note: I have been told you won't receive notices in your regular email account telling you I responded or wrote you an email. You have to log in and check via the stupid website the feds set up to rape me of my hard earned money. However, it is still cheaper than the phone calls, so I really can't complain.

Otherwise, thanks for reading. I know I haven't made contact with some of you, but with only 3 hours of free time a day, and crazy restrictions on phone and internet usage, is making it difficult. Compounded by the fact 99% of you have day jobs which is the only time I am really out and about, you can see why you haven't heard from me yet. Anyway, one by one, I will touch base with each of you. Besides, I have nothing but time on my hands. 'Idle hands are the devil's play things.'

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