Saturday, January 23, 2010

It could be worse?


Another day. Another loooooooong ass day. I finally got into the system and was able to make a collect call to my brother. I had to be quick as the rate is ridiciously priced. I should have money on my books tomorrow barring some unforeseen problem. Tuesday will be here before long and it is vital that I get my affairs in order. There is a chance I will transfer to camp before I get to purchase commissary and will have to wait another two weeks, as it will be closed next week for inventory. That would suck bad...

You don't know how much you miss the little things till you don't have them. Cliche` yes, but 100% accurate description of the situation. While being out for a total of four hours a day sucks, this is a minor complaint I hear in comparison to other facilities dilapidated buildings, not nearly enough portions of food, overrun with bugs...

I am nearly finished with another book and will start the next before falling asleep tonight. I only walked two miles as I havee developed a nasty blister on the bottom of my heal. Another pressing reason I need commissary, to get actual shoes in lieu of these china made, cardboard soled shoes. My cold is getting somewhat better, but my nose plugs up at night and it is hard to breath or get any sleep. The additional blanket helped keep the chill off, but the jacket did little in the way of comfort for a pillow.

I know I sound like I am bitching a lot... but that's my nature. 'Nothing is good enough for you, is it.' as I have heard so many times from my friends. However, make no mistake about it. I have it better than 90% of my fellow inmates here. I don't want anyone to believe any different. That is the silver lining in all this. The encouragement from my friends and family, and the knowledge that I have a support system that I can trust and rely on is a huge reason I know I will do just fine; not only during my stay here, but long after this process is done.

Well, I'm due to polish off this book before bed and start another tomorrow. At this average, I could read our entire library in 2 months (it's that tiny!).