Saturday, January 30, 2010

Roommates suck worse in the pen.


I woke up extra early today to make phone calls to my oldest brother and younger sister, both whom I have yet to talk to, with no luck.

My celly is scheduled to transfer out today along with 30-40 other inmates from this facility. That also means people are being transferred in to take their place, which I am not looking forward to. I don't know when this is happening, and neither does my celly. I hear so many people doing obnoxious shit all throughout the day and into the night, it makes me cringe to think I could get stuck with someone like that. People yelling out of their cells at other people, singing horribly, dropping rancid deuces while locked down - just plain disrespectful actions with total disregard for the others in the cell. Some people just don't care... which is one major factor for why incarceration is so difficult on people.

Well, what do you know... no transfer. Now he is saying Tuesday might be the day the 'chain' rolls out. (The chain refers to the bus; all inmates are chained to each other, hence the term). Again, I feel bad for him because they just don't tell you shit. Anyway, he is taking it in stride. The plus side for me (selfishly) is that I don't have to worry about getting an asshole for a celly for a few more days.

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