Right out the gate, things here are so much different than SeaTac. Attitude from staff to inmates was surprisingly more relaxed upon entering this facility. I was greeted with 'Welcome to Sheridise' and 'Enjoy your stay at the Sheridan Suites'. There are plenty of procedural differences with inmate lockdown time for chow and recreation and the sting of being locked down for 20 hours out of the day will not dull anytime soon.
I am currently awaiting my transfer to Camp. However, I was advised that the average wait time is 6-8 weeks depending on bed space and other unknown factors.
My celly is quiet and really chill, so I definitely lucked out there. He is due to transfer out any day, so it sucks to think I could be stuck with some loud, obnoxious asshole down the road. For now, I will read this shitty book I found in my cell about an ice storm that grips LA with it's icy hand. Lame plot, but any distraction is welcomed.
Emotionally I feel completely disconnected from myself. It is strange, as I walked into custody, all my anxiety melted away - just like my first visit to SeaTac. I am not afraid, nervous, hopeful.... just empty. It is weird how the human mind works to cope with various situations. I welcome the temporary disconnect as it will help me to focus on the task at hand and push through this.